Restorative Dental Care
in Round Rock & Austin, TX
Restorative dental care includes any services that are used to restore teeth back to a functional and healthy state. High Point Dentistry offers a variety of advanced restorative dental services, and we would be happy to assess your teeth and gums to see if one or more of our restorative dental treatments can help you achieve and maintain positive oral health. Contact our office today!
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Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings
When decay occurs in a tooth, it must be removed and replaced with a restoration like a composite dental filling, which will fill in the area and help protect the tooth from further damage. Our fillings are made to match the color and shape of the patient’s teeth so that they blend in seamlessly and do not stand out at all.

Dental Crowns & Bridges
Dental crowns are tooth-colored caps that are designed to mimic the appearance of a tooth. When a tooth has undergone damage and needs extra support and protection, dental crowns can instantly repair and restore the tooth’s appearance. Dental bridges cover three or more teeth at once, and they can also be used to replace missing teeth.

Root Canal Therapy
Root canals must be performed when an infection occurs inside a tooth. A small hole is created, the infected dental pulp is removed, and the tooth is cleaned and sealed before a crown is placed. Root canals have a bad reputation for being painful treatments, but we do our best to provide our patients with the most comfortable experiences possible.
Full & Partial Dentures
Partial dentures are used to fill one or more gaps on one arch. They easily clip onto nearby teeth, instantly restoring the patient’s smile. Full dentures replace an entire arch of teeth at once, either all of the top teeth, bottom teeth, or both. We also provide implant-supported dentures, which combine the benefits of both dentures and dental implants.

Dental Implants
Dental implants are titanium posts that are implanted into the patient’s jawbone. Once the post fuses with the bone, an implant crown is attached to the top. Dental implants are very sturdy, stable dental restorations that look and feel very similar to natural teeth, and they help maintain the patient’s face shape and jawbone health as well.

Dental Extractions
We want our patients to keep their natural teeth whenever possible, but sometimes a gentle dental extraction is necessary to replace a damaged tooth or correct overcrowding. Once a dental extraction is complete, we can review our tooth replacement options with the patient, if applicable, to help them find the right dental restoration to complete their smile.