Our team is here to assist you with whatever you may need. Our goal is to keep your appointments as positive and productive as possible, so we provide as many resources as we can to make that happen. As always, patients are welcome and encouraged to contact our friendly front office team with any questions or concerns they may have.
Contact Us
New Patient Forms
To make your first visit with our office streamlined and efficient, you are welcome to fill out and submit your new patient forms online. If you would prefer to fill out your paperwork in person, please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early for your first appointment. If you are planning on using your dental benefits, please remember to also bring your insurance card and a valid form of I.D. with you to your first appointment. Have a question for our team? Feel free to contact our front office for more information.
New Patient Forms
Patient Portal
Your patient portal is one of the best ways to keep track of everything you need to have successful dental visits. From checking appointment times to making payments to reviewing your treatment plan, the patient portal can answer many questions and keep all of the details you need in one place. You can also communicate with our team through the portal and refer back to old messages later on. Our team will provide you with information on setting up an account for your family during your first visit.
Patient PortalCommunity Outreach
High Point Dentistry is dedicated to giving back to the Austin area. Our Illinois dental teams have partnered with programs like Toys for Tots and Dentistry from the Heart, an organization that helps provide free dental care, to help people of all ages and provide the gift of high-quality dental care to those who need it. Have an idea for a way our Round Rock or East Austin dental teams can support the community? We’d love to hear about it! Feel free to contact our office, and we may just choose your submission.
Contact Us