Dentures & Implants
in Round Rock & Austin, TX

Your quality of life and confidence can suffer when living with an incomplete smile. Whether it’s a single tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch of teeth that needs replacement, our High Point Dentistry team offers options to restore your smile.

At High Point Dentistry, our full dentures can replace an entire arch of teeth, our partial dentures can fill in one or more gaps of missing teeth, and our dental implants can support dentures or another restoration. Call our office to learn more about dentures and implants, or schedule a consultation with our team in Round Rock or Austin!

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Rediscover Your Smile at High Point Dentistry in Round Rock & Austin, TX

Composed of three fundamental components, a titanium implant post, an abutment that serves as a connector, and a crown that replicates the appearance of a natural tooth, dental implants are the ultimate solution for missing teeth. Dental implants restore functionality and visual appeal, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a natural-looking restoration!

In instances where multiple teeth or an entire arch are missing, dental implants can also anchor a dental bridge or customized dentures securely. Regardless of the number of teeth you need to replace, dental implants have the capacity to deliver the exceptional, long-lasting smile you desire.

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smiling man

What types of dentures are there?

Dentures are prosthetic dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth. Our Austin and Round Rock dental teams can custom create full or partial dentures to treat tooth loss conveniently. Our partial dentures can fill one or more gaps on an arch. Our full dentures can replace an entire arch of teeth at once. There is also an option to support dentures without adhesive or suction and instead with dental implants!

Senior couple in canoe

How long is the dental implant process?

Dental implants are a surgical procedure that can help patients with missing or pulled teeth achieve a more sturdy and stable restoration. The dental implant process involves multiple steps, including jaw preparation, implant placement, bone growth and healing, abutment placement, and artificial tooth placement. Due to the steps to getting a dental implant, the process is longer than a non-invasive restoration.

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Is it better to have dentures or implants?

Dentures and implants are both great options for restoring missing or damaged teeth. Both restorative dentistry options can help you eat, speak, and smile with ease. Full and partial dentures are crafted to look natural, and implants can support restorations that look and feel similar to natural teeth while supporting face shape and jawbone health. Since dentures and implants can help your smile, the decision of which is better suited for you ultimately can be determined by our experienced dental team.

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