Dental Crowns & Bridges
in Round Rock & Austin, TX

Teeth can last for a lifetime with the proper care. Unfortunately, damage, decay, or loss still occurs. Whether it’s a single tooth or multiple teeth, our High Point Dentistry team has the solutions you need to give you a healthy, functional smile.

At High Point Dentistry, our dental crowns can restore the health and function of a single tooth, while a dental bridge can replace a missing tooth or teeth. Call our office to learn more about crowns and bridges, or schedule a consultation with our Austin area dental team!

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woman slightly smiling

Do I need a crown or bridge?

Dental crowns can treat several types of dental problems for a single tooth. If you have a tooth suffering from a large amount of decay, a break or chip, abnormal shape, or weak from teeth grinding, then a dental crown may be what you need. If you have a missing tooth or teeth, a dental bridge can fill in the existing gap without the need for oral surgery.

illustration of dental bridges

What is the difference between a dental crown and a bridge?

Dental crowns and bridges are natural-looking and custom-made to restore your smile. Our dental crowns can instantly repair, restore, and support a tooth’s appearance. When more than a single tooth needs to be restored, a dental bridge can cover three or more teeth at once as well as replace missing teeth.

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How long does a crown and bridge last?

Natural teeth and restorations require good oral hygiene and routine dental visits to remain in the best condition possible. Depending on the type of dental material used, crowns and bridges can last up to ten years. As with any dental work, bridges and crowns may experience natural wear and tear and may require replacement sooner. If your crown or bridge is worn, loose, or lost, contact one of our Austin area dental offices for a replacement.

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